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Litmus A Freeman


Election Rejection


Project Freeman · Election Rejection


Here we go again

There goes the next five years

Same old shit again

More tax on fags n beers


But don’t you worry guys

We’ve sweeteners in the pot

Tax breaks for the rich

Paid for by you lot


I know you ain’t seen me lately

But I’m very keen to chat

At least until the election

Then that’s the end of that


You’ve heard it all before

But we’re hoping you’ve forgot

Same promises for sure

Quickly left to rot


We’re pleading poverty

For anything you need

But sitting on a big war chest

Appealing to your greed


Just vote and then we’ll go away

And give you more T.V.

We’re banking on your ignorance

It’s election time you see!


© Litmus A Freeman - Project Freeman (15th April 2005 CE)



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The Story of Election Rejection...

election rejection


What's the point of voting in a corrupt and rigged system? You only see po-lie-ticians out and about around election time, when they're hoping for your vote. Then they make a load of promises they don't keep and disappear until the next time!

Elect? Nah... Reject!


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© Project Freeman Music 13506 UCC (2005 Gregorian)