Vacant Lot' home studio demo (1999 Gregorian)
Joining me (Vocals / Lead Guitar / Drum Programming) are:
Bass-Martin Hynes, Rhythm Guitar-Scott Wheatley, Drums-Roland (The Drum Machine!)
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(Chords and Lyrics)
(Lyrics written by Martin Hynes)
© Griller Music (4th May 1999)
Shoot a cow
Bash a lamb
What shall you have on your ham?
This one’s going nowhere
Cos somewhere’s somewhere I won’t like
This one’s going nowhere
Cos somewhere’s somewhere, somewhere’s somewhere
I can’t stand that
Not what it’s for
Not something I will hear before
Tell me that it’s not my liking
Danish bacon Viking, Viking
Not something I will hear before
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus x 2
Somewhere I won't like
Somewhere I won't like
Somewhere I won't like
My bud Hynesie (on the right above) wrote the lyrics to this one (at work apparently - think I still have the scrap of paper somewhere, somewhere...) in response to me playing him a tune I had
The tune in question was Has It Really Been A Year which I hadn't done anything with at the time, but which I've since done a rough demo of
Although I already had some lyrics I'm not sure I told him at the time to be honest as I wasn't using them for personal reasons, and it seemed a shame not to use a good tune.
Anyway, suitably inspired off he went and came up with a cool commentary on some people's attitudes towards things a bit 'out of the ordinary' like vegetarianism. I was veggie at the time. Hynesie has long since become a passionate Vegan!
This one certainly was 'going somewhere' as it later got added to the Tuscan Raiders repertoire and got played on the BBC :)
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© Project Freeman Music (1999 Gregorian)